Understanding Tokenization in Large Language Models: A Deep Dive – Part 1

Tokenization is a fundamental yet often misunderstood process in the realm of large language models (LLMs). Despite its crucial role, it is a part of working with LLMs that many find daunting due to its complexity and the numerous challenges it introduces. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of tokenization, its importance in language models like GPT-2, and the various issues associated with it.

Introduction to Tokenization

Tokenization is the process of converting raw text into smaller units called tokens. These tokens can be as small as individual characters or as large as entire words or subwords, depending on the specific tokenizer being used. Tokenization is the first step in feeding text data into a neural network, making it a critical component in the performance of LLMs.

The GPT-2 Paper and Tokenization

The GPT-2 paper introduced byte-level encoding as a tokenization mechanism. This approach allowed the model to handle a wide variety of characters, including those in non-English languages, while maintaining a manageable vocabulary size. The paper discussed the creation of a tokenizer with a vocabulary of 50,257 tokens and a context size of 1,024 tokens. These tokens are the fundamental units that the model processes, and understanding how they are created and used is key to understanding the behavior of the model.

Tokenization in Practice

In practice, tokenization is not just a matter of breaking down text into words or characters. Modern tokenizers often use more sophisticated methods, such as Byte Pair Encoding (BPE), to create subword units that are more meaningful and efficient for the model to process. BPE tokenizers break down words into smaller parts that frequently appear together in the text, allowing for a more compact representation of the data.

For example, in the GPT-2 tokenizer, the word “tokenization” might be split into several subword tokens like “token,” “iza,” and “tion.” This approach allows the model to better understand and generate text, especially when dealing with rare or novel words.

The Complexities of Tokenization

While tokenization might seem straightforward at first glance, it introduces several complexities that can significantly impact the performance of LLMs.

Issues Stemming from Tokenization

  1. Inconsistent Tokenization Across Languages: One of the most prominent issues with tokenization is its inconsistency across different languages. For instance, English text might be tokenized into fewer tokens compared to text in languages like Korean or Japanese. This discrepancy arises because the tokenizer was likely trained on a dataset with more English text, resulting in larger, more efficient tokens for English. Non-English text often ends up with more tokens, which bloats the sequence length and limits the context window of the Transformer model.
  2. Handling Special Characters and Punctuation: Special characters, punctuation, and spaces can also lead to inefficient tokenization. For example, a sequence of spaces in Python code might be tokenized into multiple separate tokens, leading to wasted space and reduced efficiency in processing the code. This inefficiency can be particularly problematic in models like GPT-2, which were not specifically optimized for handling programming languages.
  3. Case Sensitivity and Arbitrary Token Splits: Another challenge is the arbitrary splitting of tokens based on case sensitivity or position within a sentence. For example, the word “egg” might be tokenized differently depending on whether it is at the beginning of a sentence, capitalized, or preceded by a space. These inconsistencies force the model to learn that different tokens might represent the same concept, adding unnecessary complexity to the training process.
  4. Impact on Performance: These tokenization issues can lead to poor performance on specific tasks. For instance, large language models often struggle with simple arithmetic or spelling tasks because the tokenization process does not align well with the nature of these tasks. Similarly, LLMs might perform poorly on non-English languages or when processing code due to inefficient tokenization.

Tokenization by Example: Using the TikTokenizer Web App

To better understand tokenization in action, let’s take a look at the TikTokenizer web app. This tool allows you to input text and see how it is tokenized by different tokenizers, such as the GPT-2 tokenizer or the GPT-4 tokenizer.

For example, typing “Hello, world!” into the app using the GPT-2 tokenizer might result in several tokens, each representing different parts of the string. The word “tokenization” might be split into two tokens, and spaces and punctuation are treated as separate tokens. By switching to the GPT-4 tokenizer, the same string might be tokenized into fewer tokens, demonstrating the improvements in efficiency made in the newer model.

The app also highlights how tokenization handles numbers, special characters, and non-English text. For instance, a four-digit number might be split into multiple tokens in an arbitrary manner, while non-English text might be tokenized into many small tokens, reflecting the inefficiencies discussed earlier.

The Evolution of Tokenizers: From GPT-2 to GPT-4

The transition from the GPT-2 tokenizer to the GPT-4 tokenizer showcases the evolution in tokenization techniques. One major improvement in GPT-4 is the increased vocabulary size, which allows for denser representations of text. This means that the same string of text can be represented with fewer tokens, leading to more efficient processing and the ability to attend to more context within the Transformer model.

Another significant improvement in GPT-4 is the handling of white space and indentation in code. In GPT-2, each space in a Python code snippet might be tokenized separately, leading to inefficiencies. GPT-4, on the other hand, groups spaces into single tokens, making the tokenization of code more compact and efficient.

Tokenization and Unicode: Challenges and Solutions

Tokenization also intersects with the challenges of encoding text in different languages and scripts. Python strings are sequences of Unicode code points, which represent characters as integers. However, directly using Unicode code points as tokens would result in an excessively large and unstable vocabulary, as the Unicode standard is constantly evolving.

Instead, tokenizers often use byte encodings, such as UTF-8, to represent text. UTF-8 is a variable-length encoding that can represent each Unicode code point with one to four bytes. This encoding is widely used because it is backward-compatible with ASCII and efficiently handles a wide range of characters.

However, simply using UTF-8 encoded bytes as tokens would create a vocabulary of only 256 tokens, which is too small and would lead to long sequences of tokens for even simple text. Therefore, more sophisticated tokenization techniques, such as Byte Pair Encoding, are used to balance the need for a manageable vocabulary size with the need for efficient representation of text.


Tokenization is a crucial yet complex aspect of working with large language models. While it might seem like a simple preprocessing step, it has far-reaching implications for the performance and behavior of models like GPT-2 and GPT-4. Issues related to tokenization can manifest in various ways, from inefficiencies in processing code to poor performance on non-English languages.

Understanding tokenization and its impact on language models is essential for anyone working with LLMs. As tokenization techniques continue to evolve, we can expect future models to become even more efficient and capable of handling a wider range of languages and tasks. However, the challenges of tokenization will likely persist, requiring ongoing research and innovation in this critical area of natural language processing.

This article is created from learnings of video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zduSFxRajkE

Few Books Recommendations: https://amzn.to/4dukwT8

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