A Comprehensive Guide to Java Monitoring and Diagnostics Tools: jps, jstat, jcmd, and jmap

  1. jps (Java Process Status)
    1. Usage:
    2. Sample Usage:
    3. Understanding the Output:
  2. jstat (JVM Statistics Monitoring Tool)
    1. Usage:
    2. Sample Usage:
    3. Understanding the Output:
  3. jcmd (JVM Diagnostic Command)
    1. Usage:
    2. Sample Usage:
    3. Understanding the Output:
  4. jmap (Memory Map for Java)
    1. Usage:
    2. Sample Usage:
    3. Understanding the Output:
  5. Conclusion

Java applications often run in complex and dynamic environments, making it essential to monitor their performance and diagnose issues efficiently. Fortunately, the Java Development Kit (JDK) comes with a set of powerful tools for this purpose. In this guide, we will explore four essential tools: jps, jstat, jcmd, and jmap. We’ll discuss their functionalities, sample usage, and how to interpret their output effectively.

1. jps (Java Process Status)

The jps tool lists Java Virtual Machine (JVM) processes on the local machine. It provides information such as the process ID (PID) and the main class or JAR file being executed.


jps [options]

Sample Usage:

$ jps -l
12345 com.example.MainApp

Understanding the Output:

  • The first column represents the PID.
  • The second column displays the fully qualified class name or JAR file name of the main class.

2. jstat (JVM Statistics Monitoring Tool)

jstat is a command-line tool that provides information on JVM internal statistics such as garbage collection, class loading, compiler activity, and more.


jstat [options] <vmid> [<interval> [<count>]]

Sample Usage:

$ jstat -gcutil 12345 1000 10

Understanding the Output:

  • The output varies depending on the options used. -gcutil provides garbage collection statistics.
  • Columns represent different metrics like S0, S1 (survivor space), EC (eden space), EU (used eden space), OC (old space), OU (used old space), MC (metaspace), MU (used metaspace), etc.

3. jcmd (JVM Diagnostic Command)

jcmd is a versatile tool that can perform various operations on JVM processes, including thread dumps, heap dumps, GC operations, and more.


jcmd <pid> <command> [<arguments>]

Sample Usage:

$ jcmd 12345 Thread.print

Understanding the Output:

  • The output depends on the command used. For example, Thread.print prints thread stack traces.
  • It provides valuable insights into thread activities, including deadlock detection and monitoring.

4. jmap (Memory Map for Java)

jmap generates memory-related information for a given Java process, including heap dumps and memory usage statistics.


jmap [option] <pid>

Sample Usage:

$ jmap -histo 94639

Capturing Heap Dump:

To capture a heap dump using jmap, we need to use the dump option:

jmap -dump:[live],format=b,file=<file-path> <pid>

Along with that option, we should specify several parameters:

  • live: if set, it only prints objects which have active references and discards the ones that are ready to be garbage collected. This parameter is optional.
  • format=b: specifies that the dump file will be in binary format. If not set, the result is the same.
  • file: the file where the dump will be written to.
  • pid: id of the Java process.

Sample Heap Dump Usage:

$ jmap -dump:live,format=b,file=/tmp/dump.hprof 45817

Understanding the Output:

  • The heap dump file (dump.hprof in the above example) contains a snapshot of the Java heap at the time the dump was taken.
  • Analyzing heap dumps can help diagnose memory leaks, understand memory usage patterns, and optimize garbage collection strategies.

By utilizing the jmap tool to capture heap dumps, developers can gain valuable insights into the memory usage of Java applications and effectively troubleshoot memory-related issues.


In this guide, we’ve covered four essential Java monitoring and diagnostic tools: jps, jstat, jcmd, and jmap. These tools are invaluable for understanding JVM behavior, diagnosing performance issues, and troubleshooting memory-related problems. By mastering these tools and understanding their output, developers can effectively monitor and optimize Java applications for optimal performance and reliability.

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